Dynamically adding `params` to `hx-get` requests using AlpineJs

Since yesterday, I've been trying to understand how to add params dynamically to an hx-get request. It has been a bit of a challenge, I have solved the problem but I'm not sure if it's the best way to do this. I'm hoping someone reading this could direct me to a better way of doing this.

Approach 1: Using hx-params (Couldn't get this working)

This one seemed the most obvious, and my understanding is that you can filter the parameters sent in the Ajax request. I'm guessing it's filtered from the URLSearchParams, this is where I might have been wrong.

This is what I tried:

<section hx-params="period">
	<article hx-get="/get-data" hx-trigger="load, params-updated"></article>

Since, Alpine code was updating the URL search params, I assumed this would just work.

My expectation was that, when the params-updated event was fired, a request would be sent with the updated param, in this case period. But it always kept sending:

GET /get-data?period=undefined

Approach 2: Using hx-include

<section hx-include="[name='period']">
	<input type="hidden" name="period" :value="params.period" />
	<article hx-get="/get-data" hx-trigger="load, params-updated"></article>

This does work, although I'm not a fan of using hidden inputs. The :value is just Alpine binding that dynamically updates the value.

The best part is that since hx-include is inherited and can be placed on a parent element, all the rest of the elements just work.

Open to Suggestions

I looked around the internet, the best I could find was one that resembled similarly to the one above. Although, it still super simple and not a big deal, I was wondering if someone out there knew of a better way to achieve the same.

Thank you for reading.